public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "outils web"

May 2012

The Toolbox: a directory of useful single-page sites and apps

by Monique & 2 others

A collection of the best time-saving apps, tools, and widgets from around the web


by Monique & 7 others

0to255 is a simple tool that helps web designers find variations of any color.

February 2012

Dictionnaires en ligne : comparatif 2012

by Monique

Parmi les outils gratuits, Reverso dépasse de loin les autres correcteurs grammaticaux. Google s'en sort plutôt bien. Mais pas un ne vous mettra totalement à l'abri.

Alex's blog: DOM Inspector as accessibility tool

by Monique

When you need to understand why your web page or your ARIA widget has accessibility issues then it's quite handy to inspect both DOM and accessible trees and what's most important to see *relation* between elements of these trees. That's what DOMi gives you.

November 2011

A Guide To Improve Your Website's Readability Through Colors

by Monique

Colors have a huge effect on readability. This is why you need to choose them wisely so that they not only create esthetically pleasing combinations but also make it easier for users to read the text. Text is an integral part of any site and we shouldn’t punish visitors for coming to our site by using hard to read color combinations.

Easy YouTube caption creator | Accessibility tools, web developer tools, wizards and markup generators | Accessify

by Monique, 1 comment

The Easy YouTube caption creator is designed to make it very simple to create a caption text file (.sub format) that you can then add to YouTube video files that you have uploaded.

Developer Tools in Firefox Aurora 10 ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog

by Monique

Mozilla is building a collection of stable, fast and usable developer tools that ship with the browser. I’d like to introduce a collection of improvements that are scheduled to be released in final form on January 31, 2012.

Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation – MASHe

by Monique

Using a combination of Google Spreadsheets as a data source and a simple web interface to add interactivity it’s possible to let users explorer your entire event hashtag and replay any of conversations.

The Future Of CSS: Embracing The Machine - Smashing Coding

by Monique

The common conception among Web designers is that a good style sheet is created by hand, each curly bracket meticulously placed, each vendor prefix typed in manually. But how does this tradition fit in a world where the websites and applications that we want to create are becoming increasingly complex?

Éditeur WYSIWYG accessible - Open Time

by Monique

Êtes-vous intéressés, avez-vous un peu de temps à consacrer à cette étude, avez-vous déjà vu des études sur ce sujet ailleurs, … ? En un mot, ça vous cause ? PS : Si vous n’avez pas le temps de participer mais que vous avez des billes ou des bribes d’infos sur ce sujet, n’hésitez pas à nous les communiquer, ça peut servir !

DingoAccess » Measuring accessibility

by Monique

There has been much discussion, and some arguments, about how to determine the accessibility of websites. Unfortunately, this is often polarised around two simplistic choices: A compliance/conformance based approach that usually involves a checklist of criteria; or, some form of user testing by people who have different disabilities and/or who rely on different assistive technologies. Both approaches have their strength and limitations, and neither can provide a reliable declaration about the accessibility of a site on its own.

Quels outils pour écrire ? | Formation et culture numérique - Thot Cursus

by Monique

Le bureau est aujourd'hui autant "autour" que "dans" la machine et même sur le coin d'une table de cuisine, on peut être entouré de dictionnaires, grammaires, images inspirantes et musique douce, qui attendent sagement dans l'ordinateur portable d'être utilisés.

August 2011

May 2011

Tools and Tips for Creating Transcripts | Blog Accessibility

by Monique

When creating transcripts for videos, adding details about the setting, actions and such may be beneficial to those relying solely on the transcript. Once the spoken word is captured, that text can be used to caption the video (again, essential for accessibility) and repurposed to create products in other formats. Definitely a win-win scenario!

April 2011

Anonymat sur internet : des identifiants très parlants - Actualités - Recherches - Institut national de recherche en informatique et automatique

by Monique

Vous avez justement réalisé un outil qui permet à tout un chacun de connaître la rareté de son identifiant. Est-ce quelque chose dont il faudrait se soucier systématiquement ?

March 2011


by Monique

Pour Hervé Le Crosnier, « les outils de création de livres numériques vont intéresser un potentiel bien plus grand que les éditeurs, mais que de nombreux métiers (documentalistes, enseignants,...) peuvent concevoir des recueils de textes (de préférence dont ils ont les droits, c’est à dire des textes sous licences d’autorisation) et les distribuer.

January 2011

Découvrez enfin un lecteur HTML5 abouti ! | webdesigner |

by Monique
VideoJS, lecteur HTML5 propose des fonctionnalités identiques à celle d’un lecteur flash

Worldspace FireEyes « Deque Systems | Software, Training, and Consulting for Web Accessibility and Section 508 Compliance

by Monique

Worldspace FireEyes is an unprecedented, nextgen web accessibility tool that ensures both static and dynamic content within a web portfolio are compliant with standards such as Section 508, WCAG 1.0, and WCAG 2.0.

RTFM » Blog Archive » Publier un ebook, la démarche et les outils

by Monique

Bref, cet article ne doit pas être pris comme définitif sur le sujet mais cela devrait tout de même vous permettre d’en savoir plus sur « comment publier un livre pour les plates-formes numériques »…